Troy Carmann, PE, CFM
Troy leads the business development and management of ICON Engineering. A civil engineer with over 25 years experience in the complexities of multi-disciplinary public works projects. Troy‘s earliest training involved building waterfalls and dams in a creek behind his house and evolved to engineering degrees from Iowa State University and University of Colorado. Construction management experience early in his career at ICON formed a practical and functional lens for the civil design development process. With a strong belief in sound engineering principles fueling advancing technologies, Troy believes the next generation of engineering solutions will build resilient, cooperative communities with our natural resources.
Craig Jacobson, PE, CFM
Senior Principal | Vice President of Operations
With his strong leadership skills and “big picture” mentality, Craig is responsible for the many details involved in ICON’s internal operations. His career has carried an expertise in water resource engineering with an emphasis in floodplain management and hydrologic & hydraulic analyses. Craig has managed and designed a large array of stormwater improvements throughout the state of Colorado and his project experience includes steady state and 2D hydraulic modeling, master planning, stormwater improvement and channel designs, and construction management. For the past 25+ years, he has completed or managed the hydraulic analysis of hundreds of miles of floodplains for creeks and rivers along Colorado’s Front Range and Western Slope.
Aaron Bousselot, PE, CFM
Senior Principal | Vice President of Finance
Responsible for the finance side of business at ICON, Aaron’s responsibilities include developing project scopes and schedules, budget tracking, design support, construction management, facilitating meetings, and overall coordination with project teams and stakeholders. Aaron experience relies on his strength in civil design and project management for a wide range of stream, stormwater, parks and trails projects. He has led multi-disciplinary teams and completed a variety of successful designs including urban channel rehabilitation and natural stream systems, storm sewer systems, complex culverts, water quality and detention ponds, neighborhood and regional trails, and open space and community park improvements throughout Colorado.
Jaclyn Michaelsen, PE, CFM
Associate Principal | Senior Project Manager
Jaclyn is known for her expertise in hydraulic engineering for the master planning and design of large storm drainage projects used for flood mitigation. She specializes in hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, river analysis, dam design and analysis, floodplain delineation, stream stability, groundwater modeling and analysis, and construction observation. Her projects have included the design and analysis of high hazard dams, large storm sewer systems, water quality, passive and active flood protection measures and channel improvements, and detention facilities. Jaclyn’s focus is oriented toward projects in Northern Colorado and Wyoming.
Brian LeDoux, PE, CFM
Associate Principal | Senior Project Manager
Brian is responsible for floodplain hydrology and hydraulic design projects in central to southern Colorado. His engineering experience includes hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and floodplain delineation, as well as preliminary design through final construction plan layout for various drainage and channel improvement projects. Brian also assists in completing FEMA LOMC floodplain hydraulic study reviews, and prepares analysis of floodplains on ICON’s FEMA IDIQ contract in several states.
Tyler Rosburg, PE, CFM
Associate Principal | Senior Project Manager
Tyler leads large multi-disciplinary teams to complete challenging stream and riparian restoration projects. He specializes in hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, sediment transport modeling, and stream restoration design. Tyler has a proficiency in assessing streams and helps organizations develop protocols for evaluating stream function. Tyler enjoys focusing on design efforts for stream restoration projects that increase flood resiliency, provide sediment continuity, increase stability, create aquatic habitat, and restore natural functions.