Willow Creek Tributaries


Prepared by ICON Engineering for MHFD


  • Public Outreach Meeting 1
  • Date: Thursday April 4, 2024
  • Time: 6:30PM
  • Location: South Suburban Sports Complex on County Line Rd

Please join us at the 2024 Public Outreach meeting for a public hearing regarding the Willow Creek Tributaries Master Plan. Representatives from SEMSWA, MHFD, ICON Engineering, and local municipalities will be presenting the FHAD & MDP progress.

    Project Sponsors:
  • Mile High Flood District
  • Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority
  • Douglas County
  • City of Lone Tree

The Willow Creek Tributaries FHAD and Major Drainageway Plan (MDP) study area covers approximately 4.9 square miles spanning from the Englewood Dam in the City of Centennial to just south of C-470 in Douglas County and the City of Lone Tree. The FHAD and MDP studies provide detailed analysis for tributaries that flow into Willow Creek, not including the main stem of Willow Creek itself. These drainageways include Acres Green Tributary, Fox Hill Park Tributary, Homestead Tributary, Homestead Farms Tributary, Jamison Tributary, Kettle Tibutary, Phillips Tributary, Spring Creek Tributary, Trenton Outfall Tributary, West Spring Creek, Willow Creek East Tributary, and the Willow Creek Direct Flow Areas. The funding sponsors of this project are the Mile High Flood District (MHFD), Southeast Metro Stormwater Authority (SEMSWA), the City of Lone Tree, and Douglas County. Additionally, the South Suburban Parks and Recreation District (SSPRD), Southgate Water and Sanitation Districts, and Arapahoe County provide direction as project stakeholders.

The primary goals for the Willow Creek Tributaries FHAD and MDP are to update the hydrology for tributaries to Willow Creek upstream of the Englewood Dam and provide flood hazard delineations. This effort also seeks to identify opportunities to promote stream health and resiliency, reduce flooding, improve water quality, and reduce long-term maintenance needs.


Deliverables for this FHAD & Master Plan include a Baseline Hydrology Report, FHAD Report, Alternates Development, and Story Map. The following reports are upcoming, in-progress, or available for download:

Task Date Status
Baseline Hydrology Report January 2020 PDF (35 MB)
FHAD Report Winter 2023/2024 In Progress
Alternatives Development Spring 2024 Upcoming
Draft StoryMap Master Plan Report Spring 2024 Upcoming
Final Master Plan Winter 2024/2025 Upcoming
Meeting Date Purpose Minutes
Alternatives Scoping Meeting Novemeber 16, 2022 Alternatives Scoping PDF (261 KB)
Kickoff Meeting November 8, 2023 Progress Meeting PDF (2 MB)
Progress Meeting January 17, 2024 Progress Meeting PDF (95 KB)
Progress Meeting Feburary 14, 2024 Progress Meeting PDF (89 KB)

Please see the public input materials linked below.

There is a Felt Map where you can spatially leave comments by using the voice bubble button along the top of the page.

There is also a Google Form Survey that serves the same purpose but with no location associated besides your description. Please complete either the Felt Map or Survey.

Your comments will help the master planning effort reflect the values of the community

If you wish to make additional comments after submitting a survey or placing a comment, simply refresh and submit again.

Comments can also be provided at the following email: jduvall@iconeng.com

  • ICON Engineering, Inc.
  • 7000 S Yosemite St, Suite #120
  • Centennial, CO 80112
  • www.iconeng.com
  • (303) 221-0802
  • 7437 S Fairplay St
  • Centennial, CO 80112
  • www.semswa.org
  • (303) 858-8844

© ICON Engineering 2024